Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wonder and awe

For the fourth time, I welcome into this world a grandchild. Little (4 lbs 12 oz) Malachi was born on Tuesday evening. I know that when my own children were born, there was a sense of wonderment and awe. A sense of understanding my own parent’s actions and words over the years. A sense of incredible responsibility. A sense of amazement.

To some degree those same feelings accompanied the welcoming of Malachi to this world. Although the feelings have been tempered by the cumulative life experiences with our children, the feelings were still there. To see a life coming from a union of two...that is beautiful and indescribable. And on top of all of that....he is unique. He is not like any of my other grandchildren although he shares some features and traits. He is not like any other child in the world. He is unique, made in God’s image, like no other. Because of this, he will hold a unique place in my heart. A space made just for Malachi. A place not over lapping or displacing the love I have for my other grandchildren or my children, or my wife, or any other person with whom I have a relationship.

I learned some years ago that God created us each as unique beings and with each being, He created a unique space in the heart of other humans to love that person. The addition of a new person in our heart does not displace an existing love we have for any other. The loss of a loved one creates a hole in your heart that can never be filled by another. So it is with God, only on an infinite scale. We are each unique and precious in His eyes. He longs to have each of us near Him always. Us turning away from Him does not erase our place in his heart. Our birth or death does not consume or free up space in His heart to love another of His creations. I am always and forever on God’s mind and in His heart.

Now that is cool!

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